I’m going to get started with Christmas early this year. I got a bunch of stuff yesterday to start making gifts. I haven’t started before the last min in December in years, so there was never enough time to make everything. It’s much more meaningful annnd cheaper that way. I’m getting a tree the first week of December. I want that pine smell when I walk in the door for the whole month! I’m looking forward to lighting candles, making a warm drink, putting on [tasteful] Christmas music and decorating my little tree. Maybe I will actually have some Christmas spirit this year. It’s been harder to do as an adult I’ve found. Yet, Christmas has a cozy romance to it, in my opinion.

I wonder when I’ll start holiday cards. I remember every year, my parents scrambling to get the holiday letter and photo (oh, and deciding which photo) done to send out in time. My dad sitting at the computer printing out dozens of letterheads and envelopes. Reading the letter my dad wrote in his reporter-esque style, giving an overview of our various accomplishments of the year. It seemed so stressful and rushed, all to fill in people you haven’t talked to in years. A nice idea, of course. I did always like seeing how family friends had changed, grown up. But is it as necessary anymore when now we keep up on Facebook, email, etc? I want to think it is, because it’s always nice to get personal mail and think of people you love from your past. I think when I finally get organized and on top of such things (which I tend to be very bad at, as the # 1 procrastinator/keep-in-toucher ever) I will finally feel like a real adult.

(These cute cards sure do make it seem more appealing though…)


(oops this never posted on Sunday)

Sometimes I just need a day of mindlessness. Today was one of those. A day to stay in my nighty all day, not leave the house, watch movies, order Chinese food, and not think about the stress and worries of my life. Or try not to, at least. I have a hard time not feeling guilty for days like today, that I “wasted.” But, at the same time I feel they are healthy once in a while so I shouldn’t beat myself up about a lazy Sunday with myself.

Lingua franca

A lingua franca (or working language, bridge language, vehicular language) is a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both mother tongues.[1]

[I like this term to describe a way of working.]

Had a lovely night with the girls tonight. I’m so thankful I have such good girls in my life. I feel so lucky. It is soo healthy to talk out our lives with other smart, emotionally intelligent (not to mention beautiful and talented) and self aware women who really get and analyze their interactions with others, and that have a general good grasp on real life. There is a serious lack of drama, immaturity, and selfishness which make us such a good girl fam. Did I mention I’m lucky? Women don’t have the best track record for all of those things…! Wine, too much cheese, 8 1/2, lots of laughs, and home before 1am! Winning.

Ah, this couple is just the cutest! I’ve blogged their fam before because I love seeing proof that not everyone turns into boring plain parents!


I love reading other peoples’ little love stories. We all relate to the ups and downs of relationships, and it’s so refreshing to hear life’s little successes, bringing two more people together happily. A little hope for those who aren’t sure about their “fairy tale ending.”  This one is from an artist whose work hangs on my wall. (So you should check out her prints while you are clickin..)

A beautiful new video from the all lady band Warpaint. I love hair and fabric underwater, so elegant and serene. I especially like the false eye lashes underwater in this video. I can’t imagine how long/hard it was to film this just right.

Via Brandon’s  lovely blog

“If someone wants to be a part of your life, they’ll make an effort to be in it. So don’t bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn’t make an effort to stay.”

Beach on the brain!!

Leaving tomorrow for the OBX, and even though it’s a short mini beach trip (and I’m not exactly bikini ready…), I am so excited to put my toes in the sand for the first time this season and soak up the sun allllll day. And of course a house full of friends and booze, pool, and hot tub 🙂

Expect 1000 new freckles by Monday. Example:

I love contemporary (“art”) jewelry, especially when it’s literally made of artistic materials.  Iris Tsante‘s pieces are beautiful, colorful, and creative. Makes my noodle run with ideas of other ways to manipulate materials into something beautiful while functioning as something other than an art making tool…

One of my little life joys is smiling/waving at people I pass on my runs. Always puts me in a good mood as well as the other person. We too often choose to look busy or look away rather than interacting with strangers, yet it can be so simple and so nice.

I’m sorry I don’t have photo cred or a link for this one, but if anyone does please share it with me! Or if you find that sucker layin around…you can just leave it in front of my place and I’ll run away in it for the summer. Thanks!

I love the energy and color quality in Jenni Rope‘s painting. Makes me want to sit in front of an empty surface and “just paint” again, (which is way harder than some think.) She, however, pulls it off whimsically. There’s something serene but also playful about her brush strokes and color choices. And those plush eyes and noses…love those too. Oh and one more…her textile designs..more specifically that dress on the left!

This is a music video also done by Astray Films from the previous post, for Ben Howard’s song “Old Pine.” Equally as impressive and stunning as the other. His color tones are soo nice and I love this song.

Man, people can be really disappointing. It’s a shame how one person can have such a negative affect on one’s actions and decision making. And with a blind eye to reality of normalcy. Oh, life, you’re full of interesting lessons.

From my favorite, the Thought Catalog.
(I bold-typed a part that stood out for me!)

The Death of the Romantic Gesture

Apr. 22, 2011

By Joshua Lyon info

Joshua Lyon is a writer based in New York City.

Read more »

Back in the early 2000s, I used to spend a lot of time writing in a little café in Brooklyn that no longer exists. The whole woodsy cabin/taxidermy thing was a new aesthetic in the city, and the venue’s layout spoke to my Tennessee mountain heart. The best way to describe the vibe of the place is that it was where I discovered José González, because they played an early bootleg of his first EP on repeat for weeks.

One of the owners started to smile and act friendly and sometimes gave me free coffee. Every now and then we’d end up on smoke breaks at the same time and talk about trees, but other than that I kept to myself. I discovered through friends that he liked guys, but I was too shy to ask him out—plus I was going through some heavy shit and knew that trying to date anyone wasn’t a good idea. I eventually left New York and moved back to Tennessee for a while to sort it all out.

But before I left, I took a chance and mailed a letter to him, thanking him for creating such a beautiful environment to work in. I confessed that I had a small crush on him and gave him the address of where I’d be staying. I said something like, “Hey it would be awesome if you ever felt like writing back; it could be like an old-fashioned correspondence type of thing.” I had this romantic idea that maybe he’d write me an actual letter too, and we’d get to know each other the way people used to back in the olden days. Someone who could design such a lovely space and had seemed a little bit interested might at least be open to the idea, right?

Of course I never heard from him, which was fine. No big deal, I had known it was a long shot. And it would have stayed fine, if a few years later I hadn’t dated a friend of his who remembered him getting my letter, and how he’d been all freaked out and was now warning the guy I was seeing to “be careful, that guy is scary intense.”

Fuuuuuuck you, dude.

Here was an adult who was shaming me for doing nothing more than admitting that I liked him. It’s not as if I were some stalker—I got the hint from his silence and forever left him alone. But it seems like telling someone that you don’t know that well that you have some genuine, curious feelings for him beyond just wanting to fuck has become totally stigmatized. Because showing you actually care equals vulnerability, which has somehow been bastardized into weakness. And nothing scares someone off faster than weakness.

But! A confession of love for a relative stranger is what some of our greatest works of literature and poetry is all about! Eighty percent of all movies and songs are about suddenly meeting the person of your dreams and reaching out to show how you feel. And if they aren’t having it, you’re supposed to somehow prove that the two of you are meant to be together. The collective creative mindset says the way to do this is through some grand romantic gesture. Nope—apparently what that action means in real life is that you are a desperate weirdo who people should run away from at parties. And these days people run away from each other at parties anyway—it’s easier to stick with your friends, go home drunk, and just hook up with someone you find online. Somewhere, Cupid is laying in a puddle of his own intestines after a round of seppuku. What else is he gonna use his arrows for?

The one thing giving me hope that these expressions can still remain pure without being seen as psycho is that my last boyfriend had the balls to Say Anything to me shortly after we’d first started dating. I’d returned home from a crazy stressful work trip, and suddenly there he was standing under my apartment window, arms reached high, with an old boom box playing you-know-what. While that scene works in the movie, in real life it comes across as totally awkward—plus I was terrified that the folks in the projects across the street were going to kick the shit out of him. The performance left this new guy in my life emotionally naked and dorky and exposed, but to this day it’s the bravest and most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for me. To quote the café guy, it was “scary intense,” and I know tons of people who would have written him off as being overly dramatic or needy since it was pretty early on in terms of us getting to know each other.

Instead, I saw it for what it truly was—he liked me, he had missed me, and he wanted to show it in a big way. And as long as acts like that are performed with pure intent, and not as some sort of insecure way to control a situation, they’re the moments that you’ll remember most looking back on your life once cancer or the comet hits. You’ll know that someone you barely knew saw something special in you.

To be clear, true stalkers obviously don’t count. All I’m suggesting is keep a cautiously open mind, because, yeah, okay, you might get hacked to pieces by that stranger who hands you a daisy out of the blue in the park. But there’s also a chance you might totally fall in love.

I don’t know much about this band, other than they are from right outside of Glasgow (where I studied) so that’s kinda neat. I heard this song on WRIR the other morning and I like the beginning, and then the rest of it, in a Muse-ish kinda way. Is that weird to prefer half of a song and not it’s entirety?

“I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought, there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it’s true I’m here, and I’m just as strange as you.”

Frida Kahlo

I love the work of Cal Lane. She focuses on the dichotomy of “masculine” industrial objects and organic, feminine, floral patterns that she plasma cuts into metal. I really enjoy the idea of this masculine trade being treated femininely. It’s like metal lace! Those torches are pretty powerful and can be really hard to keep steady, her craftsmanship and detail are nuts! Especially that wheelbarrow!

My night, in no specific order:

  • Dirty Dancing soundtrack
  • newly downloaded JJ albums
  • doodling
  • Pablo Neruda before bed
  • tea
  • new hoop piece planning/thinking
  • maybe a movie and zoe couch cuddles
  • paint my nails
  • sketchbook-ing
  • blogging
  • bills
  • squeeze in some sewing


[For Real.]

Change doesn’t always come easy, Scorpio – even when it’s a good change. You may be enduring some tempestuous circumstances now. There is a sense of upheaval, of confusion. But this is all clearing the way for a change in your life that will be a relief once it arrives and you recognize the difference in yourself and in those around you. Put a smile on your face, and know that whatever happens today and over the next few days will be for the greater good. Evolution is in progress.

Beth Pederson‘s Clothesline project is beautiful. I have always loved the aesthetic of clothes lines, especially in Italy. These are paintings hung on actual clothes lines. Nicely done, yeah? You should take the time to check out her other work as well. Everyday objects take on a new light with her hyper realist attention paid to them in a gallery setting.

Hey, warm weather and sunshine, I wish you’d hurry up! I really want to go on a hike somewhere pretty. And then lay in the grass collecting freckles on my mexican blanket.


Watched this movie, Never Let Me Go, with my girlfriends tonight. It was super weird, kinda fucked up, and sad. But very well done. The kind of movie that makes you think a ton during and after, and then have a bunch of Orwell-esque life questions at the end. The whole vibe aesthetically, esp the wardrobe, was on point. And Keira Knightley’s hair. Do check it out for yourself.

“Sometimes, when we’re lying together, I look at her and I feel dizzy with the realization that here is another distinct person from me, who has memories, origins, thoughts, feelings that are different from my own. That tension between familiarity and mystery meshes something strong between us. Even if one builds a life together based on trust, attentiveness and mutual support, I think that it’s important that a partner continues to surprise.” –Barack Obama


reblogged from the lovely Liz
